Wings Rehabilitation Center


Therapist with the children singing in the best speech and language therapy clinic.

Social Skills Training is a structured intervention aimed at helping children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental delays develop the necessary skills and behaviors to navigate social interactions effectively. Our specialized program is designed to equip children with the essential skills needed to engage meaningfully with others. Our program focuses on various aspects of social engagement, including:

Social Greetings: We emphasize the importance of appropriate greetings in various social settings.

Gestures and Body Language: Children learn about the importance of gestures and body language in communication, developing awareness of nonverbal cues and their impact on social interactions.

Understanding Emotions and Facial Expressions: Our program focuses on enhancing children’s ability to recognize and interpret emotions and facial expressions, promoting empathy and understanding in social interactions.

Initiating Conversations: Children learn strategies for starting and maintaining conversations.

Social Interaction Skills: Children learn key social interaction skills, such as turn-taking, active listening, and sharing, to facilitate meaningful and reciprocal exchanges.

Assertiveness and Empathy: Our program focuses on assertiveness skills to help children express their needs and preferences more effectively, as well as foster empathy towards others’ perspectives and feelings.

At Wings, our Social Skills Training program provides a supportive and structured environment to practice essential social skills in a safe and encouraging setting. 

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